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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Need the help of every outrun fan

Hello guys,

So it is my last year in High School, and in our country (and probably many other countries as well) we have the tradition that when your class leaves the high school off to uni, a tableau (picture) is put on the walls inside the school. So basicly all the hallways are decorated by these pictures of already graduated. My class has voted for an outrun/synthwave styled one (submitted by me). Can you help me by linking some pics you mind find ideal for this use case. We need a nice background on which we can put pictures of all the students and teachers of the class. If you could link some font that matches the pic it would be super awesome. Thank you for helping :)

PS: pic size will be about 1m*1.5m so a high quality (prererably 4K) one would be appreciated.

Submitted February 27, 2019 at 02:29PM by Barnaba55

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