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Sunday, March 24, 2019

OutRun with SynthWave and CyberPunk Music

Hey Guys! I found something on Spotify these days and I liked so much so I want to share with you too, maybe you will like too!

It is called "MaxxiimGames" he is a content creator and he is making some songs with OutRun style and some Synthwave and Cyberpunk feel I loved it and this is kind of unique so I will share with you guys ok?

He is making a new album too with more OutRun style so maybe if we give him a support, he can make it even better for us =D

The Spotify link is this one:

He is in other places too like iTunes or something but I use only Spotify

Here is a video with one song preview from his channel on youtube:

Hope you guys like it too =P Now let me drive here and listen more. ;)

Submitted March 24, 2019 at 04:30PM by JamesGordox

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