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Friday, May 17, 2019

Need help and advice on getting that growly talkbox bass sound from a few tracks (namely Waveshaper)!

I am an electronic producer currently working on my first EP (for about the last 7 years due to never having the confidence to finish the damn thing!).

I have become obsessed with that beautiful growling almost talkbox effect bass. Think the bass in the song "A monster" or "Pixel Stars" by waveshaper - those long sweeping notes where the talkbox effect evolves over the length of the note.

I have a tit load of VSTs and I have a really nice chunky bass sound I have made on Massive, but for the life of me I can't work out how to emulate this talky effect that layers the bass and makes it almost sound like a vocoded chord.

I am probably not explaining myself very well, but if there are any producers out there that may have found the solution, please do let me know!

Submitted May 17, 2019 at 09:48AM by Whacks0n

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