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Monday, June 24, 2019

Trip to the Moon - Help please!!

Hey everyone!

I've recently starting listening to a whole BUNCH of Retrowave/Synth music and there was this song I really loved from one of the big playlists - however this dumb ass has deleted their view history on youtube and can't find it :(

I remember the lyrics but searches are not coming up very fruitful - The verse and the Chorus have a different vibe , the verse is pretty low key and standard but when the chorus comes in its high pitched synth with an upbeat tone

The lyrics I remember are:
"I can be the one you waaaNNNT, if you need me I'll come ruunning" which is at the very beginning of the vocals

"HOOOOOLD meee" which is the bridge and then
"Its just a trip to the moooon" which is the chorus with it repeating a couple of times.

I've really tried to find this song and its been weeks now I hope you can help <3

Submitted June 24, 2019 at 05:40AM by AkuriMitsu

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