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Friday, January 10, 2020

Podcasters looking for artists to feature/interview

Hey everyone, I am a host on a new podcast that talks about music production, performance, and theory. We are 6 episodes into our first season, and we have quite a few independent and up-and-coming artists lined up for features/interviews. Our focus so far has been on the Future Garage scene, but we often branch out to talk about other genres, spanning anything from Death Metal to different types of World Music.

If anyone is interested in a feature and interview from us, please send me a PM containing: - A preferred source for us to find your music (i.e. Soundcloud, Bandcamp) - The songs you'd like us to feature/discuss - A short description of your writing process

All genres are accepted, with emphasis on electronic music. All music submitted must be original and not rely heavily on sampled media. Samples are of course OK to use, but we would like to feature original artists. Preference will be given to artists that are especially lively and/or have a lot to say about their music. Though we do plan to feature the actual track(s) on the podcast, the show primarily consists pf 20-40 minute long sessions of talking without the music itself.

Submitted January 10, 2020 at 08:18PM by WthNCellsInterlinked

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