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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Everything Is So Colorful: Help A Terrified Goth?

I don't know how I found synthwave, I stumbled upon the video for "TURBO KILLER" from Carpenter Brut and my entire world got rocked. I am a lifelong goth, the only color in my wardrobe is black, and I've been listening to punk and metal and gothic rock my whole life.

I quickly got obsessed with Carpenter Brut, Gost, Battle Tapes, Dance With The Dead, The Midnight, Perturbator... etc. I literally don't know what to do with myself. This has been obsessing me for weeks. It's all I can think about. I haven't touched a Sisters of Mercy album in weeks now. I was considering buying Carpenter Brut merch even though it was bright neon pink!

Help a terrified goth out? What do I even do here? What else can I listen to? I am starving, ravenous for new bands!!! Is there anything in this genre that might lean goth as well? I... I think I'm starting to like neon...? I'm scared

Submitted May 28, 2020 at 03:50PM by BookerDeWittsCarbine

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