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Monday, July 15, 2019

How should I order my synthwave playlist?

Hello fellow real heroes! :D

After many years of curating my playlist, I've always wondered if I the order of my songs affects the way users have interacted with it. Does it makes sense to view the songs from oldest to newest (top > down)? Should I reverse the playlist and move the newest songs to the top? Or should I be overly ambitious and try to make a "story" of all the songs that I have on it. (I might regret this last option coz it might take me fooooorever!) Or do you think I'm just overthinking it and make the order completely random every month? I haven't changed the order of the first 2000 songs in over 5 years! Please comment or answer in my poll below. Thank you! <3


My playlist:


Submitted July 16, 2019 at 12:06AM by fvisaya

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