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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Lyrics query - Dead Astronauts, 'Sea Legs'

G'day everyone

Not entirely certain I'm posting in the correct sub, so if not then mods please delete. I also did a search for it in the sub and couldn't find an answer.

I was hoping someone might be kind enough to point me somewhere I can find the lyrics to 'Sea Legs' by Dead Astronauts, off their 2016 EP Strange Ways. My Google fu has failed me. The best I can find is this bandcamp entry that has sort of half of them.

It's a cracking track, but my half-deaf self has trouble making out Hayley's lyrics (a common problem for me with DA and Mecha Maiko tracks).

Any hints or links gratefully received.

Submitted September 08, 2019 at 11:19PM by CthulhaHoop

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