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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Serious question. Does it bother anyone else that a lot of producers on sites like Instagram just repost other people’s artwork?

Many producers in the synth-retro-whateverwave genres just repost other people’s artwork on their pages, with the credit often getting buried in hashtags or a end of a comment. Posts like these show in my Instagram explore page all of the time.

What bothers me about this is that they are just using other peoples work to get eyes (or ears in this case) on their music, which generates money in most cases. So basically free content for self-promotion.

I’m a visual artist myself, and of people are reposting my artwork to promote their music I would be pretty upset.

I get the idea of setting a mood board to help with the aesthetics and all that, but something about it all just feels off to me. Does anyone else feel this way?

Submitted June 18, 2020 at 03:03AM by velox1370

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