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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

If someone wanted to make an outrun/futuristicky/vapor wave esque/blade runner/tron/alien type city how would they go about it?

So if someone wanted to make a outrun type city in real life or in vr I feel like you wouldn’t really be able to just stick to straight outrun or tron type or blade runner type city you would have to integrate all of those related styles, but how would you do it? Blade runner and alien type futurism has a retro flavor different than outrun and tron type futurism has little retro styling and I feel you’d have to include vapor wave and that’s very different than the others. So how would you design a city or world to include all these different but related aesthetics? Also who would write your worlds soundtrack?

Submitted October 13, 2020 at 10:09PM by boborosso1942

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